Sunday, November 19, 2006

Happy 5 months to me (and Sonny too)!!!

Well we made it to the 5 month mark. When we stated this journey referrals were coming out about 8 months after LID's. Now it's around 14.5 months. So the 5 month mark doesn't tell us much - other than we want our baby already!

Still holding on to the hope that things will speed up soon. Will post info on the next batch of referrals when they come out - could be anyday to 3 weeks from now.



Drea said...

Hey Sherry! I am starting to get the good vibes now about referral times! I think we will hear something in the next week that will definitely give us an idea of things to come!

Sherry said...

See I told you!


This time next year we will be home with our China babies - I can feel it.