Friday, January 21, 2011

Day 9

Today was the first day that the girls both took naps since the day before surgery. YEAH!!!!! Last night's bed time didn't go so well but Cassie woke up when she heard me getting dressed to take Chloe to speech this morning. Then she insisted on going too. So all 4 of us went to speech this morning. Thank goodness we have a great speech therapist and she didn't mind the extra company. Both girls were really tired all morning long and getting them to take naps today wasn't a real struggle. We are hoping to string a few good days and nights of sleep together for everyone. We could all use it.

Cassie's lip looks amazing. Our surgeon did a wonderful job!!!! We are very pleased.

This will be the last post of daily updates. I don't think there's going to be much change from day to day now so I'll update every few days.

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